Sunday, March 22, 2009

health update

Ya know, sometimes I don't blog 'cause I don't have any pictures to post and forget that I still can write a few somethings so people know we're still on the planet! I'll sure have to get better with that (and taking more pictures, of course.)

Every single person in our house is sick. This sucks monkey butt!! Alex has the broken leg, but is doing better every day. Now he has acquired a cough and that seems to be it so far.

Chad has (we think, but not sure) pink eye. Yuck. I've been putting drops in his eyes and it's finally starting to look better today. So far no one else has gotten it so we'll see how this pans out.

Jack has a fever, cough, sore throat and runny nose. He is totally not himself--really mopey and quiet. You know somethings not right when one of my kids is quiet :) He's going on day two of this and I'm really ready for it to be done and him to feel better.

I have what I thought to be strep throat, but went in to get it checked out and it's not. Sore throat, swollen, spotty tonsils, swollen lymph nodes, ear ache, ect. Really sucky. I'm going on day 5 of this crap and it can go away any time. Thanks to the tiny human I'm growing, I can't take any good drugs or even have a nice cocktail to help me relax. Instead I get 500mg of Tylenol and water. Obviously it's doing wonders.

Chad is working for a guy next weekend (3 12 hour shifts) so he has the whole week off which will be nice. He can help us recoup and regroup and hopefully we can do something fun. I have a dentist apt., hair apt., and we have our water birth class all this week so someone better start feeling better soon!

More photos when we're feeling a bit more photogenic.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

photos of our boy

Don't let this photo fool you. He's actually quite the trooper. He's had a really good day today--no pain meds and took a good nap. Now if I could only get over this funk I have, we'll be in business.
Oh, and the whole potty training thing only lasted a day. I think I jinxed it by blogging about it. Not that it really matters much now anyway, he can't really get himself on the potty with a broken leg anyway!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

boys will be boys

So, we had a little mishap at our house on Sunday night. My sister-in-law and her family came over for a play date. All was going well, all the kids were having a blast until Alex found himself under a 90 pound pile of boys and then we heard it...snap! We got him calmed down and put to bed thinking maybe he just fell on his leg wrong and it would be ok by morning. He woke up several times in the night, so I knew I would have to take him in in the morning.

Went for x-rays and found a spiral tibia fracture. Awesome. Nothin like having a two year old with a broken leg in the spring time. I was hoping for a short cast that was weight bearing but no. He is sporting a long, non-weight bearing red cast. All the way up his thigh. I felt soooooooooo bad for him! He kept asking to take it off. I told him in 4 weeks and he said deal. Poor thing has no concept of time!

He has taken everything really well. The lady who put his cast on said he was the best two year old they've had. He gets around by scooting on his butt and pulling his leg along. I'm guessing it still hurts but in a few days it should start feeling better. The only thing that has changed is his appetite. He isn't eating nearly as much as he used to. I'm sure that will come back in time.

I know you all want pictures, and I'm working on it. I feel like crap today--must be getting a cold so I will take and post some later. My dad took the boys for me for the afternoon, so I'm going to try to rest while they're gone.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

crazy boys

The boys got into my hair goop this morning, so we decided to do some 'faux hawks'. Pretty darn cute, huh? Of course I couldn't get a good shot of both in one picture, so here's two!

Alex has forgotten about his hair, but Jack keeps insisting I fix it when it starts to fall flat. Too funny.
One note-worthy event that's going on around here is Alex is having more interest in using the potty. He pooped in the big potty today (third time total) and we were very excited for that! He sure takes his sweet time, but as his father says, "you can't rush perfection" (I'm sure he'll love that I shared that!) Luckily I don't have anywhere to be, so he can take his time. Jack got him out a pair of big boy undies and he's been wearing the same pair all day so far. He peed three times in the potty and is still dry! I think this is a good start. It helps that Jack is so supportive and cheers his little brother on because the sun rises and sets with Jack for Alex (Starburst jelly beans don't hurt, either!)
Keep your fingers crossed that this is the start of fewer diaper changes.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

lazy sunday

Just another lazy Sunday around here today. We had plans to go somewhere today, but when Chad took Jack to Sunday school he called me and said it was 32 degrees and raining so we probably shouldn't go anywhere. Booo :( I've felt so cooped up in the house lately I really wanted to get out but it was obvious that we should stay home. The conditions were getting worse with more freezing rain then a few inches of snow on top of it. Ahhh, Wisconsin--why do you hate me?

I thought we were going to make an impromptu visit to Labor and Delivery the other night. I was having contractions every 2-6 minutes for about an hour. I sat and drank some water and took a hot shower and they finally settled down. I knew I probably did too much that day and it finally caught up with me that night so we're going to take it easy for a while! Every thing's good now and we're both fine. He's break dancing in my gut as we speak. I will mention it at my next appointment, though. I know I want him to come early, but this is just a little too early.

The boys are crazy as ever. They went outside after it stopped snowing this evening and shoveled the deck and played "soccer". They reeeeaaaaalllllyyy need spring to come so they can go outside every day. And so do I!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

31 weeks

Here's me at 31 weeks. I feel like I look big, but don't realize how big until I see a photo of myself and go OH. MY. GOSH! I also realize how bad I look when I don't stand up straight. Need to work on that.

I just got my hair cut today and think it's pretty cute, so I thought I'd show y'all. The face I'm making isn't so cute, but at least the hair is. We (my hair dresser and my friend) decided I needed highlights, so going back in a few weeks to make that happen. Can't wait!

The boys weren't doing anything especially photo-worthy tonight but did manage to get them to sit still for two seconds to take this semi-blurry picture. They don't look a thing like each other, do they? :)
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