Wednesday, March 18, 2009

boys will be boys

So, we had a little mishap at our house on Sunday night. My sister-in-law and her family came over for a play date. All was going well, all the kids were having a blast until Alex found himself under a 90 pound pile of boys and then we heard it...snap! We got him calmed down and put to bed thinking maybe he just fell on his leg wrong and it would be ok by morning. He woke up several times in the night, so I knew I would have to take him in in the morning.

Went for x-rays and found a spiral tibia fracture. Awesome. Nothin like having a two year old with a broken leg in the spring time. I was hoping for a short cast that was weight bearing but no. He is sporting a long, non-weight bearing red cast. All the way up his thigh. I felt soooooooooo bad for him! He kept asking to take it off. I told him in 4 weeks and he said deal. Poor thing has no concept of time!

He has taken everything really well. The lady who put his cast on said he was the best two year old they've had. He gets around by scooting on his butt and pulling his leg along. I'm guessing it still hurts but in a few days it should start feeling better. The only thing that has changed is his appetite. He isn't eating nearly as much as he used to. I'm sure that will come back in time.

I know you all want pictures, and I'm working on it. I feel like crap today--must be getting a cold so I will take and post some later. My dad took the boys for me for the afternoon, so I'm going to try to rest while they're gone.

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