Wednesday, March 11, 2009

crazy boys

The boys got into my hair goop this morning, so we decided to do some 'faux hawks'. Pretty darn cute, huh? Of course I couldn't get a good shot of both in one picture, so here's two!

Alex has forgotten about his hair, but Jack keeps insisting I fix it when it starts to fall flat. Too funny.
One note-worthy event that's going on around here is Alex is having more interest in using the potty. He pooped in the big potty today (third time total) and we were very excited for that! He sure takes his sweet time, but as his father says, "you can't rush perfection" (I'm sure he'll love that I shared that!) Luckily I don't have anywhere to be, so he can take his time. Jack got him out a pair of big boy undies and he's been wearing the same pair all day so far. He peed three times in the potty and is still dry! I think this is a good start. It helps that Jack is so supportive and cheers his little brother on because the sun rises and sets with Jack for Alex (Starburst jelly beans don't hurt, either!)
Keep your fingers crossed that this is the start of fewer diaper changes.


Anonymous said...

The second pic it toally rockin!! When did they get matching foreheads??

Nanu Dave/Papa Dave said...

I think Jack should go to Sunday school like that - he looks great.

Auntie Rae said...

Gotta love hair gel!! They are just to cute for words :-) I'm going to have to borrow Jack for awhile when it's time for Jacob to potty train - seems like he has the magic touch. Of course it will help if they actually get to know each other first...! Can't wait for your new arrival too - but like you say, not toooo early. Take care of yourself sweetie!