Monday, May 11, 2009

benny's bili update

Had yet another appointment to check Ben's bili level today. The good news is that it's down from Sat. (17.7 down from 18.2). The bad news is that it's at least 2 more days with the photo therapy which isn't exactly bad news since he gets to stay home and doesn't need to go into the hospital. He just needs to keep eating and pooping and hopefully Wednesday he can be done with the bili blanket.

Some more good news is he is up 3 oz. since Saturday so that puts him at 9 lbs. 5 oz. Almost back to his birth weight! He had a bit of a puke issue early on, but now just spits up a little so now he should gain weight and poo like a champ! That's another one of those things you'd never thought you'd be so excited when a kid pooped :)

Chad has been AWESOME! He's helped me so much with the boys and even getting up with Ben. He's been keeping up with the kitchen and dishes which is a never ending battle. He's a great hubs and I love him to bits.

Mom and Dave came up to help the day Ben was born and were huge, HUGE help. Even though mom had a cold and had the boys a lot by herself she was awesome. By the time she left she had lost her voice and injured her shoulder. Can't say we didn't show her a good time, right?

Thanks again, Mom. We could not have done it without your help. The boys loved having you guys here and they miss you very much. Now I can't wait till they go to your house for a few days :)

1 comment:

Lori said...

Are we calling him Benny? Inquiring minds NEED TO KNOW.