Saturday, May 9, 2009

he's here!

Benjamin Wyatt made his appearance on May 5 at 2:20 pm. He weighed in at 9lbs 10oz and is 21" long. We are so excited he is finally here!!!

Meet the newest member of our family...

His delivery was my best yet. I had the all natural water birth that I wanted and it was perfect. He's perfect. We stayed in the hospital for 25 hours after he was born and got to go home. It was awesome. I feel great and he is such a snuggle bug!
His brothers love him so much! Jack is great with him. Alex needs to work on being a little more gentle but what do expect from a 2 year old.
Ben has some issues with jaundice which has kept us pretty busy running back to La Crosse every day for bili checks. We picked up the bili blanket photo therapy machine yesterday to help him get rid of the excess bilirubin. He has a different blood type than I do so I think that's causing some issues. Luckily we can do home photo therapy and so far he hasn't had to go back in the hospital. Keep your fingers crossed for that.
Here he is on his glow worm blanket looking so impressed...
We have another doctors apt. on Monday for another bili check and exam. I hope by then, he can come off the blanket. We will see.
He's been a pretty good sleeper. He's given me at least a 4 hour stretch of sleep each night. I'm still tired and don't have enough hours in the day to get stuff done (which is why this post is late) but I wouldn't trade it for anything.


Auntie Rae said...

Welcome Benjamin! He is beautiful and a wonderful addition to the family! Take care - rest when you can :-) Luv - Auntie, Uncle and cousin Jacob! xoxo

Lori said...

Finally! Have to admit, he was worth the wait. What a darling!

Good luck getting him off the blanket. Sam's count went up to 19, so we're familiar with the light therapy around here, too. :-)