Thursday, January 7, 2010

right now

Gotta take a moment and jot down a few things the boys are doing right now.

Benny is:

*sitting up on his own. Takes a few diggers, but doing well.

*pushing up on his hands, but not interested in crawling yet.

*trying all foods. Loves toast, crackers (reg. and graham) and all baby food.

*needing prunes every day to keep him regular! Hey, it's a cheap fix!

*Says da da and laughs when you squeeze his butt!


*ALWAYS says I love you too after I tell him I love him first. I LOVE THAT!

*is big into fibbing. Will take gum and chew it, but lie to you when you ask if he has some.

*loves gum and salt water taffy (and pretty much any food of any kind!)

*will randomly come up to me and say, "I like you, Mom." LOVE THAT TOO!

*is my cuddler. Ben snuggles by default (nurses) but Alex wants to.

*is totally potty trained. A W E S O M E! No one over 40 lbs should still poop their pants.


*is my little man. Oh, the things he does or thinks he has to do around here!

*loves, loves, LOVES to help with chores. Gets very mad if he can't help.

*does an excellent job shoveling the driveway.

*is getting a lot of freckles. Can't wait till summer!

*handles everything in the bathroom all by himself now. Another AWESOME!

*is my big helper and loves helping me with Benny. He even holds him and carries him around.

That's all I can think of right now. I need to do these often, or I forget the little things and I really want to remember. It's been really good around here lately and it's pretty refreshing. Seeing how fun the boys can be is so great. That's why we had them in the first place. That and to get us the remote when it's out of reach!

1 comment:

Nanu Dave/Papa Dave said...

You forgot Alex likes peanut butter on graham crackers dipped in milk!