Saturday, March 29, 2008

sink or swim

Well, pretty much same old same old for Jack and his swimming lessons. Not paying attention or participating again. I asked him if he wants to quit and he has said yes and no. I'm guessing he doesn't understand. Chad thinks we should make him go if he's going to do it sooner or later. He is just three, so maybe skipping it this time isn't such a bad thing. It sounds like the YMCA is going to take over the pool, so there will potentially be more lessons to come. We will see.

The weather has been nicer here, so Jack has been out in the sandbox lately and playing in the mud next to it. Give him a dirt pile and a loader and he's set for the afternoon. Total boy!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


It has been blowing hard here for the past two days. Such a bummer when it looks so nice out, but it's really not. Jack has been wanting to go to the farm so bad, but it's way too cold. The weather looks like rain/snow for the next week--HELLO! It's almost APRIL!

Jack has his first swimming lesson tonight (of the second set of lessons). His cousin is going, too so that might help. He's been really excited and we've been taking him to Alex's Parent-Tot swim class so he should be a ready as he'll ever be. All I'm asking for is a little participation this time. We'll see how it goes.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

happy easter!

Hope everyone is enjoying their Easter. Here are a some photos from last night post-haircuts. Hope you like them, Nana!

Alex enjoying his first "peep".

Oh, and just a quick shout-out to my Auntie Pam---Happy Birthday! Hope you're having a great one with great weather and great family! Love ya!
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Friday, March 21, 2008

i'm dreaming of a...

...white spring? Come on! Woke up this morning to about 5" of snow. SNOW! I was just beginning to get excited about spring. Cleaning up the yard, seeing how my flowers and plants fared, thinking about what plants to get from the Amish this year, putting up the awesome new play set for the boys, but NO. More snow. I'm sure it'll melt quickly, but still... This has been a long winter compared to what we've had for the past 10 years. Oh well, you remember what I said about complainers from WI?

Tonight I gave my first haircut. We bought some clippers and decided to cut the boys (and maybe Chads) hair at home to save a little money. Jack was my first victim and it didn't turn out too bad! My dad cut his hair last summer and it went well, so we'll try it again. He wouldn't let me take a picture yet, but maybe tomorrow. I'm going to do Alex and Chad's hair this weekend so we will see how that will go. They both have such large foreheads I'll have to be careful how short to go. Success or failure, I'll take pictures.

Not much planned for this weekend--Chads at John's Saturday. Maybe a movie and haircuts, and hoping to get some stuff done around the house on Sunday. I was thinking about a super simple scavinger hunt for Easter baskets for the boys, not sure yet.

Hope everyone has a happy and safe Easter!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

snow daze

Here's a few pictures from this weekend at the playground...

The boys had such a good time. It's so neat to see in little ways how Jack (and Alex) are growing up. Jack was able to climb on every piece of equiptment and go down the slides and climb everything by himself. The last time we were there, it was fall and he was getting there but now there was no hesitation. I love to see how big he's getting. Now if he could just get a job and start pulling his weight around here!
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is it wednesday already?

Had a fun weekend. The boys and I went to the school with Lisa and her boys on Saturday to play on the playground. That was fun, yet a lot of work. We might have stayed too long because by the time we left, my little one was getting restless, Jack and Casey didn't want to push their mowers that they pushed all the way to the playground home so I loaded them on the stroller. Then Jack didn't want to walk anymore, so for a short time I had one kid in a stroller and two lawn mowers and Lisa had two in her stroller and carried another. Yea, not working. She's got a double stroller where the older child can stand or sit facing back. Very cool and had to get one of those.

Chad went straight to John's after work ( at about 4 am) to haul manure and clean barns. By the time he got home, he was spent so he took a short nap while the boys played. Sat. nite we did absolutely nothing, just a little reading and computer surfing.

Because we can't get enough of it and wanted to boost the economy, we ended up in LaX again on Sunday. It's Chad's only day to do anything not work-related and there's not a lot to do here so...

We wanted to look at play sets for the kids and I wanted to look for a better stroller so off we went. A success all around for us.

Monday, Casey and Ryan were here so that was a busy, fun day. Alex is in love with the baby. He took the burp rag and wiped the baby's face and handed it back to me. I can see him being a good helper some day.

Update on Head Start for Jack: Called and they said they have his app. and the head lady person will make her picks in May so we should know something by June for this fall. She said his chances for getting in are 50/50 for being over-income. We will see and everyone cross your fingers and thing good thoughts for us, because he needs this so bad.

Took Alex in for a re-check for his ear infection and everthing looks perfect. I need to get one of those otoscopes or whatever their called so I can check this stuff at home. Didn't you know--while I'm not blogging, I'm practicing medicine! OK, I'm going to bed now!

Thursday, March 13, 2008


Can't seem to settle on a template for the 'ol blog, so hang in there. I'll probably change it a few more times!

all about the chair

This little man was all about sitting in the chairs like a big boy last night. In the second one, it looks like all he needs is the remote and a beer!

I was trying to post earlier but my laptop froze up on me and it took me about an hour to figure out I need to hold the power button down for a full five seconds. Everything's up and running and now I should be in bed, but what can you do.

We're all feeling better and no longer need to take stock in the Kleenex corparation. Jack has play group tomorrow, so we can see what kind of fun diseases we can drag home! Also, I have a trip to the store planned as well, so double whammy!

The snow is finally melting here which is awesome, but since we have four million tons of it, it's going to take forever and it's already getting soupy. We got a love/hate relationship with spring over here. I've always said Wisconsinites have to be the biggest weather complainers ever. It's either too wet, too hot, too cold--only just right in the fall which lasts about two seconds. Once you realize it's here, it's gone. I'm totallly with my sister-in-law when she said even if it's 130 degrees this summer I'm not going to complain. Just remind me of the months and months of sickness we all endured. NO COMPLAINING! Very hard for me, I know!

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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

remember me?

Wow. Lets see if I remember how to do this--no blogging for over a week? A little sickness and some lazyness combined together doesn't make for much good. Anywho... here's a few of the latest photos...

Jack receiving his first driving lesson from one of the best!
Flour in a tupperware container = hours and hours of fun.
Alex taking his first ride down the driveway on the Muffin Man Mobile!

Nana and Papa Dave came for a visit last weekend and the boys loved it (Mom and Dad did, too)! I got out of every dirty diaper that whole weekend! They kindly watched the boys so I could take Chad out for a belated birthday supper. That was so nice because I know they were both tired and our boys are a handfull. Come back again, guys!

I thought I would take a minute and make a list of what the boys are into these days, just for us.

Alex right now...

-likes chips and salsa (who knew?)
-makes this 'kkkkkkkkkk' sound all the time!
-likes to throw a ball
-loves to swim and take baths (a second water-baby)
-does 'so big' and touches his nose, mouth (we're working on more)
-gets into things he shouldn't
-loves to drink lemon juice. Yes, lemon juice.

Jack right now...

-likes to zoom around the house on his brother's Bob the Builder loader
-loves to be outside and shovel snow
-absolutely 100% loves anything farm
-plays in playdough and flour with his trucks and tractors
-reads Dr. Seuss before bed
-gives mom and dad a hard time, a lot
-listens to music and dances in the kitchen
-helps me bake

I love these boys!
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Wednesday, March 5, 2008

feeling better

Finally!!! It seems to be that we've all turned a corner and are feeling better. We all still have a little cough, but that is a vast improvement over the past 5 days. Alex was actually 'himself' today and I've almost forgotten what a goofy, crazy kid he is! It's so nice to open his door in the morning and after his nap to see a smiling face. We even ventured out to Wal Mart today! I had to get out even for a moment. I think the boys liked it too.

Any who, I did take Alex to the doctor yesterday since there was a slight chance he could have had RSV, but all he has is an ear infection. So we're on amoxicillin and he's doing much better.

Hoping that we will see Nana and Papa Dave this weekend! Haven't said anything to the boys (Jack) yet as to not get their hopes up if this doesn't pan out. The plan for tomorrow is disinfect the house so it is safe for human visitors! We will see.

Monday, March 3, 2008

pj day

Here are a few picts. from this weekend. They are not wonderful, but as you can tell by the pj's that we all stayed in all day, we weren't caring about perfection!

This is one goofy boy!
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sick once again

No blogging over the weekend. All of us (except Chad sort-of) is sick. Colds for the most part. Jack seems to be doing better, just the slightest bit of a runny nose and cough today. Alex was hit hardest (the little ones always seem to) and yesterday was not fun. He would have these crying/gagging jags--I'm not even sure what it was. Fever, cough, runny nose, only napped 45 min. for the whole day yucky! And it was Chad's birthday yesterday so a big Happy Birthday to him! I'm not doing so hot either, coughing, sneezing, blowing my nose 19 times just sitting here trying to post this.

I AM SOOOOO READY FOR SUMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Haven't posted any picts lately because I haven't taken any. We will see with the comming week what kind of mood I'm in.

Chad was an angel this morning. Alex got up early so he got up with him. I got up too, but then went and layed back down until 10:00! He fed the boys breakfast and played until I got up. That was awesome, since I kinda felt like someone had drug me under a bus for 14 blocks! Great! Love him! Love him bunches because he's the one who's working until three AM!! He's too good to me sometimes :)

Had to leave for a moment to have a coughing fit, so I'm going to be done for now! Hope everyone is having a better day than we are here!