Thursday, March 13, 2008

all about the chair

This little man was all about sitting in the chairs like a big boy last night. In the second one, it looks like all he needs is the remote and a beer!

I was trying to post earlier but my laptop froze up on me and it took me about an hour to figure out I need to hold the power button down for a full five seconds. Everything's up and running and now I should be in bed, but what can you do.

We're all feeling better and no longer need to take stock in the Kleenex corparation. Jack has play group tomorrow, so we can see what kind of fun diseases we can drag home! Also, I have a trip to the store planned as well, so double whammy!

The snow is finally melting here which is awesome, but since we have four million tons of it, it's going to take forever and it's already getting soupy. We got a love/hate relationship with spring over here. I've always said Wisconsinites have to be the biggest weather complainers ever. It's either too wet, too hot, too cold--only just right in the fall which lasts about two seconds. Once you realize it's here, it's gone. I'm totallly with my sister-in-law when she said even if it's 130 degrees this summer I'm not going to complain. Just remind me of the months and months of sickness we all endured. NO COMPLAINING! Very hard for me, I know!

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