Monday, March 3, 2008

sick once again

No blogging over the weekend. All of us (except Chad sort-of) is sick. Colds for the most part. Jack seems to be doing better, just the slightest bit of a runny nose and cough today. Alex was hit hardest (the little ones always seem to) and yesterday was not fun. He would have these crying/gagging jags--I'm not even sure what it was. Fever, cough, runny nose, only napped 45 min. for the whole day yucky! And it was Chad's birthday yesterday so a big Happy Birthday to him! I'm not doing so hot either, coughing, sneezing, blowing my nose 19 times just sitting here trying to post this.

I AM SOOOOO READY FOR SUMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Haven't posted any picts lately because I haven't taken any. We will see with the comming week what kind of mood I'm in.

Chad was an angel this morning. Alex got up early so he got up with him. I got up too, but then went and layed back down until 10:00! He fed the boys breakfast and played until I got up. That was awesome, since I kinda felt like someone had drug me under a bus for 14 blocks! Great! Love him! Love him bunches because he's the one who's working until three AM!! He's too good to me sometimes :)

Had to leave for a moment to have a coughing fit, so I'm going to be done for now! Hope everyone is having a better day than we are here!

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