Friday, February 29, 2008


So we went to the new pediatrician yesterday and it went pretty good. It was a change, and I'm not so much for change but it was fine. They do have a sick kid and well kid waiting rooms seperate which is nice so you don't have to mingle. But you walk through the sick kids to register and then get to the well kid area. Not set up so good, but it did have a really cool mat/climber thing that the boys seemed to love playing on.

Jack's stats:

38.5" tall (I guess it's not long anymore!)
37# 6.4 oz --I thought he was bigger than that, but that's still big!
They didn't measure his head circumference, but his BMI is 17.773. They took his blood pressure with the tinyest little cuff! He did pretty good, since the whole day before he said he was NOT having a check-up.

Alex's stats:

32.95" long
28# 6.78 oz--now, I really thought he'd weigh more; more like 30#, but I guess not
19.57" head circumference--huge!

He's off the charts with this head (no big suprise) and his height and weight put him close to the 100th percentile. Not exactly sure since they didn't write that down ( something their other clinic did that I really liked). Next time I'll have to pay better attention.

Anyway, we have two healthy, happy boys! I just hope we stay that way. I said to Chad as we were leaving and walked by a famliy wearing masks that we were so getting sick by just visiting this place!

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