Wednesday, February 6, 2008

do you hear that? nothing. exactly!

I'm finally enjoying a a moment of piece and quiet because the children are in bed. It's been a long day.

We took the boys up to La Crosse to get Jack's three year photos taken and let me tell you, now that I have my wonderful new super awesome camera, I really want to try taking these photos myself.

The lady that took the pictures was bad. We've had her before and she lived up to my expectations today. She actually changed batteries in her camera mid-shoot. Come on. Jack was not giving us anything today, so when he actually was sitting nice, she totally missed the shot. We also did not get any pictures of the boys together. This is the third time and still nothing. I know the kids behaving is half the battle, but when you have a 1 and 3 year old, you have to be on your toes! There is a computer program that I want to get so I can play around with the picts. and hopefully start taking all the family photos. I can't do much worse, right?

We went shopping while we were up there and found some great deals on clothes for the boys for next winter. I love finding a great deal! Our kids might be a season behind in their wordrobes, but if I can save some money and they don't care, I'm going for it! I'm sure it'll be soon enough they'll need the certain shoe, jean, coat, backpack, ect.

I wanted to get some goggles for Jack for in the pool and we found some today. He just had to wear them so this is him first being difficult:

And here, showing off--my kid wouldn't do something like that ;)
He's a crazy one, that Jack. I'm sure it's just the tip of the iceburg!
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