Sunday, February 3, 2008

my baby is 3!

I can't believe it's been three years since I squeezed that watermellon that we call Jack into this world. Three years!!! What's so sad is I have such a hard time remebering when he was teeny-tiny which really bums me out :( Luckally, Chad has a mind like a steel trap and remindes me of little things he used to do. Gotta love that man!

We had Part part II yesterday at the house with family. It went really well and Jack had a great time. He was looking forward to it all week! He got really nice gifts (not a lot of toys which was great) and he finally got to eat his cake which took much restraint to leave alone 'till the party! I took picts. which I hope to post tomorrow.

Today on the actuall day of his birth, we abandoned him at G&G Hoyum and went
snowmobeling in Sparta. That was fun to go on the bike trail where you can fly! We had a good time and so did the boys spending some quality time with the Grandparents.

One quick Jack quote from today:
Alex fell down and hit his head on the floor and started crying. Jack came over to him and said, "It's OK Alex, your OK. Just rub some dirt on it."

We're starting to find out that our kid actually listens to what we say, and spits it back out! At least all it was was to rub some dirt on it! Too funny. That kid cracks me up!

Happy Third Birthday, my baby Jack. Now STOP growing, darn it!

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