Wednesday, February 27, 2008

real quick

Don't have much time to post but I'll make it quick. I watched Casey and Ryan on Mon.--reg. babysitter not available. Found out later that Casey has ear infection and Ryan has RSV. No one knew it, so what can you do! My kids are fine yet, so that's good

Both kids went to Parent-Tot on Tues. Jack did AWESOME!!!!! He jumped in and dunked his head just like old times. Very cool.

Today we took Jack to Child Development Days at the elementary school. Kinda like a pre-pre school thing. We'll have to take him back next year before pre-K, but it was nice to see where he is. Didn't get a whole lot of feedback, but he got his ears and eyes checked, weighed and measured and observed. We got a lot of information of what's going on. Got a lot of info on the Head Start program. Sounds like just what we're looking for. We don't qualify because we make too much money, but she said they take 10% of enrollment of family's who 'make too much money' so to speak. It's four days a week, 8-12. There's a bus that picks them up and they get breakfast and lunch. I really hope this is something we can make work, because Jack really needs the socialization.

Tomorrow is the boys' doctors appts. at the new pediatrician. We will see how that goes.

My time is up and I am requested to get some milk so more later!

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