Sunday, February 10, 2008


Alex is feeling much better today. We did have some 'indigestion' at breakfast, but I think we're in the clear. Thanks to my mother, I'm now a little worried to let him go to sleep for fear he might end up like some drunken 21 year old after a binge aspirating on his vomit. We will just have to check in on him like he's our first child!

Anyway, I snapped some pictures yesterday of the little man and out of 80-some pictures, almost half were with him and his tongue sticking out!

In order for the brain to function, the tongue must be out! Jack was doing that the other day and Chad said, "Oh look, he sticks his tongue out just like you." Guilty.

P.S. I sooooo love my camera. You can take 80-100 pictures like nothing and not even worry! Review them and keep the 5 that turned out, junk the rest, and go take another 100 (or 800 with my CF card) pictures! AWESOME!!!
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