Thursday, February 14, 2008

happy v-day!

What a day it has been. Nothing major or even that exciting, but a day non the less. My boys (all three of them) gave me a computer program for Valentines/Birthday. That was very sweet. No card, flowers, or even wrapping paper, but still sweet. To be fair, I told him not to waist money on a card or candy, so I was expecting that. He's just lucky WalMart is open 24 hrs or he would have been screwed. Who else is open 3:30 in the morning the day of Valentines?

We got pounded with snow today. I'd say about half a foot or more. And of course the snowblower decides to take a dump today. As I sit here and type, my dad is here to our rescue blowing out our driveway. Chad hates it when anyone helps him, but he doesn't know this yet so hee hee! Dad was coming over anyway to drop off a DQ cake. Yummy.

Alex is getting another tooth; a molar, so he hasn't been in the best of moods lately. He seems the worst right when he wakes up, so I have no idea what that is all about.

We had heart-shaped pancakes for breakfast this morning which was fun. Jack seemed to enjoy that, although I don't know why I bothered because they got cut up in tiny pieces anyway. Oh well.

Jack has been same old-same old. We got the ladder down for his bunk bed so he's been climbing up and down that for the past couple of days. YES WE TOLD HIM TO BE CAREFUL. YES, HE PROBABLY WILL FALL ONE DAY. THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONCERN! He's been told careful, slow, two hands on the ladder so many times, he's probably going to say screw you and jump of the top just to spite us!

Hope everyone has a super special V-Day! I will be enjoying it alone with my two sons having leftovers and vacuuming the floor. Maybe a Shrek movie as well. Ahh, romance!

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