Saturday, February 9, 2008

same old saturday

Well, today seems to be the same ol' Saturday that we've always had around here except for my morning discovery of a crib full of puke. So gross. Alex must have gotten sick sometime in the night and there was 'sick' all over his bed, in his hair, jammies, blankets, and stuffed animals. I never heard him cry or anything. Poor little boy. He got a morning bath (of course, since they both got baths last night) and I got to disinfect the nursary. Great way to start the day. He seems fine now. He ate a good breakfast and lunch and is napping as I type this so hopefully it was a fluke thing and that will be it.

Jack and I went to his first play group at the elementary school in Westby. He had a good time and got to play with (next to) other kids his age which is the whole point of this. You may wonder, why Westby? Well, they do a play group every Friday and I'm not sure if Viroqua does one at all. I've heard it's the second and fourth Tues. but Tues. is Alex's swim class so that doesn't quite work for us. Westby is fine. I'ts only 7-10 minutes away.

I had my last kickboxing class with Rebekah yesterday. Her and her husband are moving, so that's a total bummer. She was an awesome instructor. We're lucky though and have found someone to take over the class so it will go on! Very exciting as I had just found this to do and actually like it and now it will continue! We will have to take a small break while he coaches high school golf, but by summer it will be game on.

Well, better make the most out of naptime. Happy weekend!

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