Thursday, February 21, 2008


Haven't blogged for a while. We've been semi-busy here the past few days. Jack was ill but now is better except for one throw-up this morning. I have no idea what's going on with that kid. We've linked the last two pukes with having strawberry pop tarts for breakfast. Don't know if that has anything to do with it, but he is totally fine now so who knows. We go to see the Dr. next week, so we'll ask then.

The four of us joined my grandma and Dad and Nancy for dinner on Saturday for our collective birthdays. That was nice. It's nice to go out and someone else cooks and cleans up for a change! Came home, made a fire in the basement and played a little wii. Sunday we stayed inside and braced ourselves for yet another snow storm, but it wasn't actually as bad as they said. We did some grocery shopping that evening with the kids and it wasn't that bad.

Monday was my (uneventfull) birthday. The big/not so big 2-7. I'm not worried yet. When 29 rolls around, I might start having panic attacts! Chad spent the day moving snow and working; I spent the day with my boys and cleaning the house. My great aunt passed away, so the boys and I went to her visitation.

My dad watched the boys for us on Tuesday so Chad and I could go to La Crosse out for dinner. We went to Edwardo's. I absoultly love that place. It's not super-fancy, but it's Italian, so therefore AWESOME! We stopped and bought a new vacuum so all in all a pretty good day!

Yesterday I tried out our new vacuum and I like it! It actually picks up the dog hair. What a concept! Oh, and we took the boys to swim class on Tues. Jack is doing so good. It's not structured, so I think that helps. Hopefully he can regain his courage and get back into swimming lessons if the pool doesn't close!

I'll try to post some picts later. Haven't taken many candids lately--should do that tonight.

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