Wednesday, March 4, 2009

31 weeks

Here's me at 31 weeks. I feel like I look big, but don't realize how big until I see a photo of myself and go OH. MY. GOSH! I also realize how bad I look when I don't stand up straight. Need to work on that.

I just got my hair cut today and think it's pretty cute, so I thought I'd show y'all. The face I'm making isn't so cute, but at least the hair is. We (my hair dresser and my friend) decided I needed highlights, so going back in a few weeks to make that happen. Can't wait!

The boys weren't doing anything especially photo-worthy tonight but did manage to get them to sit still for two seconds to take this semi-blurry picture. They don't look a thing like each other, do they? :)
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Anonymous said...

You're carrying so dang HIGH. Seems crazy to me.

Oh, and I love the hair!

Auntie Rae said...

I LOVE the hair!! That is so cute on you - hang on to that stylist!! Ok, so now you're all set - go ahead and have that baby! Well, maybe you should wait just a few more weeks....!
Luv you!