Tuesday, April 28, 2009

9 days to go!

I don't know weather to say only 9 days to go or still 9 more days to go :) I had a midwife apt. yesterday and I'm still 3 cm. Maybe this little bean is going to come late.

Gram had heart surgery yesterday--double bypass and a valve replacement. Everything went well and she is still in ICU having a little bit of a hard time waking up. I don't think it's anything to worry about with all the meds she's on, but they're going to keep her in ICU for a little longer until she wakes up better. I think now she'll live to be 100! Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers. Keep 'em coming for a speedy recovery.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

still no photos

Sorry. Yet another post without pictures. I'm trying to keep my camera ready to go IF we ever have this baby. Don't want to forget it or have a dead battery.

So still no baby yet. I'm very tired and uncomfortable so any day now would be great!

Gram goes in for heart surgery on Monday. Please keep her in your thoughts.

I need to rest now--more later.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

another update

Just got back from the hospital and visiting my grandma. She is doing well. Turns out she didn't have a heart attack but does/did have fluid on/in the lungs (you can tell how well I'm retaining info these days). She has a narrow, leaky valve and needs a replacement/transplant (whichever). But for now she is doing well and that's awesome.

As for me, I had semi-painful contractions last night enough that it was hard to sleep, but nothing came of them so back to square one. Maybe someday he'll want to come out.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Can't sleep so I'll quick update you on my apt. today.

3-4 cm dilated
50% effaced
Baby's head is at -2 station

My bp was up today 120 over something. Still in normal range, she said but that's the highest it's been for me (normally 90 over 50 or 60). No weight gain this week but my belly measurement is 39 weeks (one week ahead) which is normal. I'm having contractions enough to not let me sleep so we'll see where this is going to take us.

On a more serious note, my dad called a little before 10 pm and said my grandma had a heart attack and was being med-flighted to La Crosse. I don't know what's going on--I'm guessing things are not looking good. I'm staying put for now unless he calls and says to come up.

Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

Monday, April 20, 2009

nachos and dogs

Ya know, I really didn't think my belly was that big until Chad took the 37 week shots. I looked at them and was like, no way! I guess it does look like I'm smuggling nachos (it's from a Taco Bell commercial for those who don't get it) under my shirt, doesn't it!?!

We are having some pet issues at our house right now. Chester, our dog, wasn't feeling very well and I noticed in his poo (yes, a good mother always checks the poo) that he had eaten raisins. Raisins are not good for dogs. They cause renal failure and there is usually nothing they can do for the animal unless you can induce vomiting right away after they have eaten said food. Since it had already gone through him, I kinda thought this might be it for our first 'baby'.

He had some vomiting and wasn't eating very well, but he seems to be doing better if that's even possible. He's been peeing witch is great--that should mean his kidneys are still working. The vet said we could come in and run some tests to see if he is shutting down, but we chose to wait it out. I love my dog, I really do but after getting almost $700 in medical bills in the mail for me and the kids (oh and trust me, there are a ton more coming) we didn't think it was necessary to spend money to tell us if he was going to die or not. I'm pretty sure we could figure that out for ourselves. He looks good and I hope he continues to get better!

No baby yet--I have an apt. with my midwife tomorrow at 5 so I'll try to update my progress (if any) tomorrow.

Friday, April 17, 2009

37 weeks

I am now 37 weeks and 2 days! I have made it far enough to have my water birth that I want (as long as the million other things go like their supposed to). I've been contracting like crazy lately and am really, really, REALLY ready to be done. I'm so tired but can't stop straightening up and cleaning a little around the house. Nesting, maybe?

Alex got his cast off his leg last Friday. His leg looked good, just really white and flaky. He is still walking weird, though. He points his toes out to the side and kind of drags his foot. It is getting better every day, but he still can't run and favors his left leg. We're keeping an eye on it and it might require a follow up call with the Doc. to see what to do about that. I'm sure it's nothing, but I'd hate for a broken leg at the age of 2 to become a life-long issue with his mobility.

Not much else to blog about. Will definitely keep you posted for the big event!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Just a quick update about my midwife appointment today. Baby looks good and I look good. Blood pressure and weight are right on track and she doesn't think the baby feels too big (not even 8 lbs yet). We will see.

I had her check me and I'm 3 yes THREE centimeters dilated!!! Can you tell I'm excited about that! I know, I know a person can walk around for weeks dilated to 3 and still not deliver, but hey that's 3 whole centimeters I don't have to labor through to get to 10. Nice. Chad was not as thrilled with the news of three--he says he still has a lot to get done before the little one arrives. Oh well, it'll get done sometime.

I don't feel like I'm going to go just yet, but I do think it will be soon :)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy (?) Easter

Yea, they look pretty enthused don't they? This is what a 4 year old looks like after waiting an hour for his brother to get up from his nap (which Alex did about 5 minutes before I took this picture) to 'hunt' for eggs.

We kept it pretty simple:

The boys showing off their loot...

Good day.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


We went to Chad's Aunt's house last Sunday to celebrate her newest granddaughter's baptism, but had to leave before the cake was served. Jack was obviously distraught so I told him we could make a cake at home (to get him in the van). Both boys wanted to help and they were surprisingly good helpers. It's kinda neat to see what Jack is capable of now that he's older. Making cakes, vacuuming, and picking up--we might have to start giving him an allowance!

Here he is mixing the cake:

And, of course, they had to lick the beaters:

They're quite the little helpers when they want to be!

Also, wanted to send out a huge CONGRATULATIONS to my Step-brother Dan and his lovely bride Mary on their newest addition to their family! Elliot Thomas was born on his Papa Dave's birthday, April 4. Baby and Mama doing great. Only 4 hours of labor and all natural. I can only dream that my delivery will go as well as hers did.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

all better

Well we've all gotten over our sicknesses...for now. You never can tell with this crazy Wisconsin weather if we're going to have another round of junk going around. We're supposed to get 2 inches of snow tonight and another possible 6 or so inches tomorrow. Hello!! This is so not cool!

I took a few pictures today, some were my 35 week belly shots but my camera isn't in the room and I really don't want to get off the couch to go get it so I'll upload those later. Lazy, I know but what can you do :)

Alex is doing really well with his leg. He's actually been walking on it for the past week (which I know he should not be doing, but he's two) and he says every day, "my leg feel all better." We go back in a week to see if the cast can come off. I'm really hoping everything looks good and he hasn't done any more damage by walking on it (but I really don't think he has).

I know my blogging has been lame lately, but I'm hugely pregnant and really tired so be happy with what you do get! Oh, and a shout-out to our Papa Dave--- HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Hope it was a good one! :)