Saturday, April 11, 2009


We went to Chad's Aunt's house last Sunday to celebrate her newest granddaughter's baptism, but had to leave before the cake was served. Jack was obviously distraught so I told him we could make a cake at home (to get him in the van). Both boys wanted to help and they were surprisingly good helpers. It's kinda neat to see what Jack is capable of now that he's older. Making cakes, vacuuming, and picking up--we might have to start giving him an allowance!

Here he is mixing the cake:

And, of course, they had to lick the beaters:

They're quite the little helpers when they want to be!

Also, wanted to send out a huge CONGRATULATIONS to my Step-brother Dan and his lovely bride Mary on their newest addition to their family! Elliot Thomas was born on his Papa Dave's birthday, April 4. Baby and Mama doing great. Only 4 hours of labor and all natural. I can only dream that my delivery will go as well as hers did.

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