Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Can't sleep so I'll quick update you on my apt. today.

3-4 cm dilated
50% effaced
Baby's head is at -2 station

My bp was up today 120 over something. Still in normal range, she said but that's the highest it's been for me (normally 90 over 50 or 60). No weight gain this week but my belly measurement is 39 weeks (one week ahead) which is normal. I'm having contractions enough to not let me sleep so we'll see where this is going to take us.

On a more serious note, my dad called a little before 10 pm and said my grandma had a heart attack and was being med-flighted to La Crosse. I don't know what's going on--I'm guessing things are not looking good. I'm staying put for now unless he calls and says to come up.

Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

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