Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Just a quick update about my midwife appointment today. Baby looks good and I look good. Blood pressure and weight are right on track and she doesn't think the baby feels too big (not even 8 lbs yet). We will see.

I had her check me and I'm 3 yes THREE centimeters dilated!!! Can you tell I'm excited about that! I know, I know a person can walk around for weeks dilated to 3 and still not deliver, but hey that's 3 whole centimeters I don't have to labor through to get to 10. Nice. Chad was not as thrilled with the news of three--he says he still has a lot to get done before the little one arrives. Oh well, it'll get done sometime.

I don't feel like I'm going to go just yet, but I do think it will be soon :)

1 comment:

Nanu Dave/Papa Dave said...

We will be there saturday if you need a sitter to go into labor!

Looking forward to seeing everyone.