Wednesday, May 20, 2009

just jack

Things around here seem to be all about baby right now, so I thought I would post about my oldest for a change. Here's a run-down on Jack right now. . .

-he is all boy all the time
-he loves to play with his tractors and is very particular with his 'work'
-wants a gravity box like Casey's with "firm wheels" (whatever that means)
-is very talkative and loves to explain things in detail (wonder where he got that from?)
-loves, loves, loves going to the farm and helping dad
-is excited about starting school in the fall
-loves his baby brother and sings him songs to calm him down
-just learned to ride his bike with training wheels
-is starting to get freckles

Jack is finally tall enough to ride his bike this year, so we got that out a couple of weeks before Ben was born and now he's riding like a pro. We will probably wait 'till later this summer if not next to take the training wheels off. He still leans pretty good and we just can't afford more medical bills right now! Here he is in action:

The other night he went with Chad to do chores and found this hat in the garage. It has now become his all time favorite and he wears it all the time. Chad sized it down so it kinda fits him. He is such a little farmer.

1 comment:

Lori said...

I {heart} Jack.