Monday, May 4, 2009

still here

No baby yet. It doesn't look like he's ready to make his appearance yet, which is ok I guess. He's given Chad some extra time to get more farming done which is good. I have another midwife appointment tomorrow so we will see how things are looking and hopefully she can rough me up a bit to get things moving.

My camera is in the van ready to go but I really want to get a photo of my 39-40 week belly on here so maybe I'll have Chad take one tonight and I'll post it later.

The weather has been really nice the last couple of days so the boys have been outside a lot. It's great because they can burn off energy and I can get a few things done around the house.

Gram and Gramp are back down in the valley now. As Jack said, "They came back on the rocket ship from Florida." Don't quite know where he got that from, but it's cute. Lisa, Mikey, and Jacob were up this weekend as well as Nana and Papa Dave so we had a great first family meal down in the valley. It seems like they've never left. I like that. Not a lot of change except for all the new arrivals, of course. That's the kind of change I can handle!

1 comment:

Nanu Dave/Papa Dave said...

The baby is on the way - Kari called this morning at 6:00am and said she is on her way!