Wednesday, March 5, 2008

feeling better

Finally!!! It seems to be that we've all turned a corner and are feeling better. We all still have a little cough, but that is a vast improvement over the past 5 days. Alex was actually 'himself' today and I've almost forgotten what a goofy, crazy kid he is! It's so nice to open his door in the morning and after his nap to see a smiling face. We even ventured out to Wal Mart today! I had to get out even for a moment. I think the boys liked it too.

Any who, I did take Alex to the doctor yesterday since there was a slight chance he could have had RSV, but all he has is an ear infection. So we're on amoxicillin and he's doing much better.

Hoping that we will see Nana and Papa Dave this weekend! Haven't said anything to the boys (Jack) yet as to not get their hopes up if this doesn't pan out. The plan for tomorrow is disinfect the house so it is safe for human visitors! We will see.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We will be coming up this weekend to see everyone. Glad that everyone is better.

Maybe Papa Dave can take the boys out for a few minutes and return with a new toy???

Papa Dave