Friday, April 17, 2009

37 weeks

I am now 37 weeks and 2 days! I have made it far enough to have my water birth that I want (as long as the million other things go like their supposed to). I've been contracting like crazy lately and am really, really, REALLY ready to be done. I'm so tired but can't stop straightening up and cleaning a little around the house. Nesting, maybe?

Alex got his cast off his leg last Friday. His leg looked good, just really white and flaky. He is still walking weird, though. He points his toes out to the side and kind of drags his foot. It is getting better every day, but he still can't run and favors his left leg. We're keeping an eye on it and it might require a follow up call with the Doc. to see what to do about that. I'm sure it's nothing, but I'd hate for a broken leg at the age of 2 to become a life-long issue with his mobility.

Not much else to blog about. Will definitely keep you posted for the big event!!


Nanu Dave/Papa Dave said...

What size nachos do you have under there? 79/89/or 99 cent?

Lori DeHaai said...

I'm with Papa Dave. You must have ALL THREE nachos under that shirt!