Saturday, April 4, 2009

all better

Well we've all gotten over our sicknesses...for now. You never can tell with this crazy Wisconsin weather if we're going to have another round of junk going around. We're supposed to get 2 inches of snow tonight and another possible 6 or so inches tomorrow. Hello!! This is so not cool!

I took a few pictures today, some were my 35 week belly shots but my camera isn't in the room and I really don't want to get off the couch to go get it so I'll upload those later. Lazy, I know but what can you do :)

Alex is doing really well with his leg. He's actually been walking on it for the past week (which I know he should not be doing, but he's two) and he says every day, "my leg feel all better." We go back in a week to see if the cast can come off. I'm really hoping everything looks good and he hasn't done any more damage by walking on it (but I really don't think he has).

I know my blogging has been lame lately, but I'm hugely pregnant and really tired so be happy with what you do get! Oh, and a shout-out to our Papa Dave--- HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Hope it was a good one! :)


Nanu Dave/Papa Dave said...

Hey all,

I had a great birthday, Alex and Jack sang "Happy Birthday" and it was Awesome!
Then Dan and Mary had a baby boy on my birthday! How cool is that. Elliot Thomas - welcome to the family, be ready because your cousins are bigger than you!
Miss you all and can't wait for Baby Hoyum.

Lori DeHaai said...

Hey me. I am going to have surgery, but waiting until after my trip to WI. I need to know when to book a ticket and want to chat with you about plans.