Monday, December 20, 2010

deck the halls

After Thanksgiving, we took the family out and bagged us a tree. It was the first time in a few years that we cut our own instead of going to the tree lot. It was fun and I was picky (not as picky as Jack apparently) so it took a little while but we finally found a nice, yet affordable tree. Sorry, but I'm not dropping almost $50 on a tree we're going to throw away. Not going to happen this year. We got the stockings hung...

and got out the hand-made snowflakes my grandma made years ago. These go on our tree every year. I love them!
Jack took over the decorating early and did most of the snowflakes. I of course filled in where he couldn't reach.

Alex hung about two ornaments then played Wii the rest of the time.

And when it was all done, it looked like this...

It doesn't look like that anymore...Ben likes to throw things into the tree, he's busted at least three silver ornaments, and takes off the lower snowflakes and throws them around. Our tree looks beat down by the time Christmas rolls around :)

Oh, and GO BEARS!!!!

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Sunday, October 31, 2010


For the third year in a row, Jackson decided to be Spiderman. Not a huge surprise and I was okay with it because that meant I didn't have to buy a new costume. Score! We talked Alex into being a football player just like daddy was back in the day and Benny fit into the cow costume Alex wore 2 years ago. More $aving$!!

We did the trick-or-treat thing with the downtown businesses on Friday afternoon and later today we will go door-to-door. Gotta love a full weekend of Halloween :)

Monday, October 25, 2010

Friday, September 24, 2010

fair time

Last week was the Vernon County Fair and my dad asked us to run the DQ stand this year. Since Chad is sans job right now I figured it would be a win/win situation. The weather was lousy which is typical for the fair. With that and the economy attendance was down and the stand was pretty slow. I didn't take my camera because I worked every day and there's only so much animal booty one person wants to see.

The boys had a good time and Chad brought them to the fair just about every day. Mom and Dave took them on rides and stuff on Saturday and they had a blast! Since the weather was icky everyone got a head cold and for some reason Ben has ended up with rotavirus. So he's been cranky lately.

Alex is just Alex and is adjusting to being without Jack during the day. He plays with Ben but it's not the same. Jack is loving school. He is in love with gym class and art and just about everything. School is so good for him but he is ravenous when he gets home. Man, that boy can eat!

I've made a few more diapers but with Benny having the bugs I haven't been able to try them on him. I need to upload some picts too. Maybe when I'm not elbow deep in poo :)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


I have been busy sewing and making things lately.
We cloth diaper Ben and I like to find out as much info as I can to really know what I'm doing. There are a couple of websites I follow that are cloth diaper related. One is about sewing you own diapers, so I figured I can do that!
The first couple of diapers I made were a few months ago and weren't too great. I've bought a couple of WAHM (work at home mom) diapers and am trying to come up with something as good as they make. WAHM diapers are kind of pricey (usually $20 and up) because of all the work of one person making and selling them on their own. That's why I want to make some super cute ones myself.
It is a little (a lot) frustrating trying to find materials locally. A lot of fabrics I want to use like Bamboo are only available on line and the other cotton fabrics no store in my town has. I have to go an hour away and plan ahead so I can get what I need, which I haven't even had a chance to do yet. The PUL waterproof fabric is hard to come by as well as being expensive! Luckily my mom was awesome enough to get some for me :) Thanks mom! Now she just needs to come visit so I can start using it.
Here are 2 of the 3 diapers I made recently:

Here's a little peek into my 'workspace': the dining room table/dumping ground

Nothing like a little organized chaos to get the creative juices flowing :) I'm also working on some sippy cup leashes to keep the cups hitting the floor when you are shopping or in the car. I have a little more tweaking to do and hopefully it wasn't a huge waste of time.


We've had a few firsts at our house lately.

First off, (he he) Ben got his first big boy hair cut last week. He really doesn't have much hair, but what he did have was growing over his ears and was long, scraggly old man hair in the back. So we took him to my hair appt. and had his first trim. He held still really well but didn't want to stand so I kind of had to hold him up against me. I hadn't had my hair done yet, so just ignore that!

Jack had his first day of all day Kindergarten last Wednesday. He was not really looking forward to it but after the back to school night he was more ready.

He got up really early that day and got on the bus with no problems. When he got home he had to tell us how awesome gym class was. We told him he'd love it, but he must have had to experience it for himself :)

He took his first lunch today so we'll see if that was a fun as he thought it would be.
Also it is my first post of September. Hopefully there will be more :)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

beans and corn and tomatoes and cucumbers and zucchini and lettuce and carrots and potatoes OH MY!!!

Holy crap, people we gots ourselves a huge garden! That doesn't include the watermelon, 2 different types of pumpkins, cantaloupe, and squash that aren't ready yet.

We've been picking cucumbers just about twice a week and I have almost 20 containers of refrigerator pickles to freeze and that doesn't count a bunch we ate ourselves and gave to family. Chad ate so many, he thinks he got gout. Super fun!

I've given up on the green beans. Only got 3 packs frozen, but managed to give a ton away so not a total loss.

We dig potatoes any time we need them. Our supper the other night was all straight off the farm...rump roast from the beef we raise, potatoes and carrots from our garden and pickles that I made. I thought that was pretty awesome.

We froze sweet corn yesterday, but only ended up with 3-4 dozen ears since the raccoons got 3/4 of our sweet corn patch :( Kinda pissed about that one, so we've got a live trap that we're going to set to see what we can catch. I use the term 'live trap' loosely because Chad isn't really a catch-and-release kinda guy, especially when it comes to coon.

I really enjoy the garden and will have one next year for sure. I'll probably make some adjustments, less beans, more potatoes...we'll see.

The boys are doing good. Alex has some kind of virus and is covered head-to-toe with red spots. Not chicken pox, but I guess it is contagious so we'll see how many of us succumb to the spots. Just another day on the farm!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

before and after

He finally agreed to a hair cut the other night, probably mostly because his dad and brother were getting one. OMG! he looks like a little man now and also a lot like Jack. I know it's a little hard to see his after shot with the green jacket hanging in the background, but let me tell you he looks super cute!
There was quite the aftermath of the storm the other night. The 'wind' (I almost wonder if it wasn't something a little more powerful) took a huge limb out of our birch tree in the back yard an blew down/up-rooted 5 trees out in the pasture. Some cows got out into the corn field, but Chad got them all back in and we did a little cleaning up and fencing, but there is still a lot of trees to clean up. Know anyone that wants some really nice hickory? It seems like if you get one good, easy day on the farm, you're punished with 4 bad ones. No one was hurt and we didn't lose any animals, so I guess it wasn't all that bad.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

hot and stormy

Holy heat wave, Batman! It was soooo hot here today. Like when you step outside and it feels like someone kicked you in the face and your glasses fog up when you step out of the air conditioning and you can literally drink the air around you. Yuck. Of course we had t-ball, weeding and beans to pick today. You can almost feel the skin cancer forming.

Shifting gears...

We had some major storms happening tonight. We lost a huge chunk of one of the birch trees in the back yard and the oats that the hubs wanted to cut tomorrow (if it didn't rain) are flat as a pancake. Crap. It's like the universe is out to sabotage his hay. Maybe next year!

Chad finally got a grain truck. He's been looking for something for a long time and pickings are pretty slim in our price range for something halfways decent, but he got a good deal on a quad-axle dump truck at an auction on Tues. Now all he has to do is learn how to drive it!

The boys are rambunctious as ever. Benny is walking now. He's been taking a few steps for a few weeks now but just lately has really taken off. He is growing so fast. I miss my itty bitty baby, but I am happy to be done with that stage now. I just sold $180 of baby stuff tonight and it feels good to be moving on to the next chapter.

Jack is doing great with t-ball and soccer. I LOVE watching him play soccer. He's pretty good! He runs the whole time and gets right in there to dig the ball out! He is so awesome. Tonight we were leaving Grama H's house and he told her to let him know if she needs any weeding done because "I'm kind of a good weeder." He loves to get right in there and help me weed the flowers and the garden. He's a good green bean picker, too.

Alex has the curliest hair on the planet right now. It's been over 5 months since his last hair cut and he refuses to let me touch his curls. He has to get that from his father. It is so cute and it's not a fight I want to pick, so curls it is. Love my boys. Love 'em, love 'em, love 'em!!!

Monday, May 17, 2010

this one's for all the mommies and daddies out there...

If you are feeling down, sad, and need a little laugh...


For the days when you think only this sh*t happens to you! Enjoy!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

crunchy quiz

I stumbled across this quiz and took it. It tells how "crunchy" you are. Apparently I'm 'pretty crispy'! Who would have thunk it? I got no problems being a bit crispy if it means saving the planet and a little money. I DO however take showers daily (95% of the time), use real deodorant, and never wear patchouli. No one wins when you stink!

I cut my ring finger yesterday so typing is really difficult with the splint that I rigged up for it so it will close up and not keep opening. I thought I needed stitches, but we'll tough it out with butterflies and a band-aid.

Birthday post coming later. Happy 1st Birthday, Ben! Margaritas are on me!

Monday, May 3, 2010

may 3, 2010

My cousin, Lori follows a blog (Ali Edwards) that I have been following since seeing it on her blog. It's very cool and very Lori--all about scrapping and taking photos--documenting things in your life. She has done a week in the life that I didn't do but think it is an awesome idea. I might try it some time in my own low-budget way :)

Anyway, it reminds me to write down what's happening with us right now:

Me and Chad:
-busy time on the farm with planting and calves. He just came in and told me we have a set of twins.
-trying to get the house 'finished' from what we started this winter-paint, trim, finishing floor pieces...
-no more babies for us--Chad made it 'official'
-trying to balance keeping the house up while it's soooo nice outside.
-Chad working way, way too much as usual

-is turing ONE in just a few days!! Can't believe it.
-cloth diapering still going strong. Battling the stinkies, but working on it
-still crawling and just starting cruising. No walking yet.
-cut another tooth. One on top and two on bottom
-still a super happy baby. Loves to laugh and play with his brothers.

-finishing up his first year in school. He is doing so well there.
-still wants to be just like dad. Even down to wanting to chew the same gum every day.
-learning to ride his bike without training wheels.
-still takes naps and is a little (lot) trying at times
-is quite the little farm helper.

-doesn't want his hair cut. It is a little white boy curly fro!
-beats up on Jack a lot. He's kind of a bruiser.
-loves to play video games. He's only THREE!!! I see many nights of him and me watching TV or a movie with a bucket of popcorn :)
-still my cuddler and tells me he loves me every day!

That's my family and I love everything about them (except for having to clean the bathrooms) :)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


We saw a rainbow the other night. We could see both ends. For some reason I posted them backwards, but you get the picture.

Lots of random pictures today. The one with Jack in it he wanted me to take so Nana and Papa Dave could see his house that he built all by himself. He was very proud.
Alex got into the markers and apparently didn't think we'd notice.
I was weeding the rhubarb and broke my nail waaaay down past where a nail should never break so it hurts a little to type but I will press on since it's been almost a month with no update :)
Well, it's official. I am officially a farmer now! We had pull a calf the other night and she was really swollen inside and Chad was having a hard time trying to get her out. So me being the good wife I am, rolled up my sleeves and got elbow-deep up in that! I only gagged twice when the pre-born calf poop was coming out with all the other slime. I told Chad I didn't want to ruin my sweatshirt (I wasn't properly dressed-didn't think I'd be reaching into a cows uterus that evening) and he said he'd buy me a new one. After a half-hour struggle, a little (big, rather) heifer calf was born. Now we have to think of a name for her!
I also had my rummage sale this weekend. Made a little over $450. Not too bad, but I still have a TON of clothes left. Almost all of my 0-3 month and 3-6 month. One lady bought almost all of my 6-9 summer clothes but i still have waaaay to much left. I'm kinda bummed about that. Maybe I'll have to have another one or sell them by the box on-line. We'll see.
I think that's all for now. Not much happens around here. That's probably a good thing.
ETA: Ok, seriously--this is why I don't do this very often. I spaced this out and set up the post nice and it just blobs it all together even after I "fix it". AHAHHHHHH!!!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

basement day 2

They finished! By noon! The guys had all the water track stuff in place when they left yesterday so when the got here this morning they filled in with washed rock, put the plastic over and flashing stuff in and cemented on top. I am not doing this process justice at all. It looks good and I hope it's the answer we've been hoping for (and for the amount of $$ it dang well better be).

We need to stay off the concrete for a couple of days and not put anything on top of it for a week. I can't wait to get down there and wash the floor and get it prepped for whatever we decide to do for flooring. Chad thinks we can get away with carpet, but I almost would like to paint it and put down rugs. We will see...

Monday, March 29, 2010

basement day 1

Work on the basement has commenced. Jackhammering complete. Water taker-away trench thingy (actual technical name) put in. Sump pit dug and installed. We are moving along swimmingly. They will pour concrete tomorrow and (hopefully) finish up? I can't wait! One step closer to a family room!

Saturday, March 27, 2010


As promised...

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Yea, yea, I know. Spare me!

We have had a lot going on here lately. Lets start with the basement.

We have a moisture problem (no standing water or anything) in the basement and are finally getting to resolve it. We have a company out of Richland Center (and Madison) coming on Monday to "fix" our problem. I hope. We have had to move all our stuff away from the outside walls, pull down drywall, and actually clean and sort stuff! They will be jack-hammering the concrete down to the footer and put in their system and put concrete back on top. This better solve this problem, because I really want to get that basement usable!

Moving on to Jack. Grampa Ole is teaching Jack to ride his bike without training wheels! He has only tried a couple of days but is doing really well. He does best in the grass but has gone on the road. He was doing really good going down the road but hit a patch of sand and totally ate it in the ditch. He's ok, but scared to try again.

Ben is crawling! He has been for a couple of weeks now. Benny is into everything now- we need to keep the bathroom doors shut! He likes to turn the TV on and off too. Still not a lot of hair, but it's coming along. I think it's blonde-almost white! He's such a cutie pie!

We actually started cloth diapering with him this past month as well. These aren't you mom's cloth diapers! I wish someone would have told me before Jack was born how easy it was, we could have saved thousands of dollars and tons of space in a landfill. It's going really well-we use wash cloths for wipes which I LOVE. It gets him cleaner and doesn't leave a residue on his bum! It's going good so far, so I hope this keeps up!

Alex is sick right now. Same cough and runny nose that's been floating around this house all winter. Do they make a bleach-bomb? Ahhh!

His favorite thing to do right now is to play the wii. We limit his time in front of it and he doesn't play every day (although he asks to). If he's like this now, I don't want to know what he's going to be like in ten years!

The weather here so far this month has been nice. Temps in the 50's and 60's, but breezy. We (Chad) got our play set that we had at the old house set up so the kids have been swinging and sliding and having fun! They have their ride-ons (battery powered Gator and 4-wheeler) out but the batteries are running out. They are only a few years old, but they aren't working anymore. That makes me angry because they are NOT cheap. They don't make things like they use to, I guess :)

Chad and I are busy as ever with kids, work, farm, house and I don't see it slowing down any time soon heading into summer. Time flies!

OK, so I was going to post some pictures, but my computer won't let me. I'll try to figure it out and look for them soon.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

joke of the day

What goes "clip clop clop clip clop BANG clip clop clip clop clip clop?"

An amish drive by shooting!

*tee hee*

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Joke or genius? You tell me.

One question-what do you do with it after you use it when you're, say, peeing in an alley? Pop it back into your purse? Shove it in your pocket? *shudder*

trying something...

...and it's not working, as usual. I have to be the most computer illiterate person on the planet. I know what I want to do, but can't do it. I got a neat camcorder-type thing (kinda like a flip) but haven't used it except for Alex's surgery. I DON'T KNOW HOW TO USE IT!!! How do I upload the video? Where? How do I upload to YouTube so I can post on here? I'm soooooo frustrated that I can't figure it out.

I'm also trying to put a new header on here, but don't know how to re-size the pic. so it will all fit without the ugly, annoying purple on the side or the picture running off the screen. Seriously, I need a computer class.

Rant over.

I can't wait for spring! The boys so need to get out and run and play. Alex has become one with the wii and asks me every day when he gets up if he can play. He'd play that thing all day long if I let him (which I don't). Jack plays, too but not as much. He's more into his Lego's right now. If anyone out there has a good idea for storing Lego pieces, I'm all ears. All of them in one big bin isn't cutting it.

We all seem to have a bit of a cold going on over here. Jack and Chad are better, but Alex and Ben have really bad coughs and snot. I'm full of junk in the head too, but hopefully on the mend. Summer, how I miss you so!

We have a bit of a full rest of the week planned... Chad works his last night of a 10 in a row 12-hour day tonight. Thursday we are heading to Dodgeville for a sale on skid steer tires and baler twine (yeeee-haaaawwww). Friday I believe there is some manure hauling for the morning and we will be taking the older boys to the Monster Truck Show at the La Crosse Center (again, yeeee-haaawww). Saturday night Chad's boss is taking out the whole group and spouses to dinner. The last supper? No one knows! Sunday is open so far, but I'm sure we'll throw in a shopping trip to La Crosse or something like that. Might not sound like a lot to you guys, but here in hickville that sure is a busy week to us! Oh, Lori-how far are you away from an Ikea? I want to go soooo bad! That just tells 'ya how isolated we are from the 'real world'! I think there might be one in the Chicago area and/or the cities.

Anyway, I hear Ben coughing himself awake, so better go see how he's doing. Happy Wednesday everybody!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

cutest baby in the world

If you don't think he is the most beautiful baby in the world, your eyes are broken...

If you look closely, you can see his very first tooth on the bottom. The better to taste you with, my dear!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

happy 5th birthday jack!

Jack, my baby, my first-born son is 5! Where did that time go?

He is my 'miracle' baby. It took us over two years to get pregnant with him and I was almost at the point of 'this might never happen' when we found out at a friend's wedding that it had finally happened! We were so excited, but a little concerned because just a few weeks before I found out I was pregnant, I had my appendix out. I had a CT scan, anesthesia, really strong pain killers for after--all the while they thought I wasn't pregnant. My OB assured me he was such a tiny bean that it would have been all or nothing and he would have not made it and I wouldn't even know I was pregnant or he would be totally fine. 9 months later, a healthy Jackson David was born!

Look at him now! Full of piss and vinegar and everything BOY!

He loves to be just like his dad. We say Jack is so me and Alex is so Chad and he hates that!

He is such the little farmer. Loves doing chores, talking about chores, drawing the farm and doing chores. Everything he plays, draws, and talks about is totally farm-related.
He is in Pre-School now and really likes it. He is learning his letters and wants to practice write all the time. He has made so many new friends. It's such a new experience for him to notice someone when we're out shopping that I don't know.

Jack is my helper. He feeds Ben sometimes, plays with him, gives him a bottle, but doesn't change any diapers. Won't do it. Bummer.

We went to LaCrosse just him, me, and Ben. He was such a good helper going into stores and McD's pushing the stroller so I could push the cart or take our food to the table. He does so well when he's given a job to do.

He loves to build and play with trucks and blocks. He built this and made me take a picture so if (when) his brother knocked it down, we would know how to re-build it.
His favorite toys are his 1:16 farm tractors and implements, semi's and construction equipment.

He got a shaving kit from Santa for Christmas and loves it! Yet another thing that makes him just like dad!

Nana and Papa Dave took everyone (except Chad-he had to work-big surprise) to the Children's Museum for his birthday. They had a great time (the boy in the red shirt is a random). Papa Dave was trying to get him to climb the rock wall since he's old enough now, but didn't want to. Alex wanted to and was upset that he was too little. That just shows how different their personalities are!
Jack is a pretty neat kid and can't wait to see what 5 brings! Oh, did I mention he is a talker? Just. Like. Mom. Poor Chad won't get (and doesn't already) get a word in edge-wise!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

okay, answer me this

Why are there gas stations in Bedrock? Don't the Flinstones drive with their feet? Why do they call it a 'gas' station? What do they sell there? Is that like a Jack Handy "deep thought"? This is why grown-ups shouldn't watch cartoons.

Everyone say MAGOO!!!!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Alex is doing so great recovering from his surgery. He's back to eating normal foods, although smaller portions. His tummy probably shrunk due to his strict Popsicle/yogurt diet. He is our grazer as Chad calls it. Not so much for the big meals, more for the snacking every hour on the hour :)

He sounds 'froggy' when he talks. Pretty sure that's normal and will go away in a week or less. I can tell, even if he is froggy, that he isn't as nasally when he talks. And his snoring is GONE. I can't even hear him breathe. I am soooooo relieved this is done and he will be healthier for it.

School was cancelled on Wednesday for the funeral of one of Chad and my old teachers. She was diagnosed with pancreatic and liver cancer late November and is already gone. Makes you think how fragile life is and you never know what's going to happen. So very sad.

Don't waste one day.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

oh, one more thing...

Happy 50th Birthday, Mom!!!!

Love you!!!

alex and his happy medicine

Hopefully this worked--I'm trying to figure out how to upload video from my sd card to my computer and edit and post the video. Pretty sure I'm doing something wrong or there has to be a better way, I just don't know what that is yet.

This is a video of Alex after his "happy medicine". Stuff they give to help him relax before they took him back. He is so out of it, it's funny!

They waited too long after giving him this, however, to take him to surgery because they said he should go back with the nurse fairly easily and not remember being separated from us. Well, he screamed for me as they were carrying him to the OR and he says he remembers being separated from us. I was not that impressed with that part.

We actually have the little scrub pj's at home with us because he would NOT take them off. The nurse said we could keep them. I'm sure we'll pay for them in the total bill somewhere. He also got to keep the cap (which is for an older child because the one they use for little kids was way too small).

The Skittles in his hand were from the lady at pre-registraion. That's all he wanted all day long. Can't have them for a week, but at least he could hold them. He was out of it in the photo on the left and finally napping later that evening.

He is doing great and is living on yogart and popsicles. A little Tylenol for the pain, but that's it. Such a trooper! Love this little boy!

Monday, January 11, 2010


Not what you're thinking. . .

In our house right now T&A stands for Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy. Alex had his T&A procedure this morning and is resting now at home in the chair.

Everything went well, surgery was only 30 min. and Doc said his adenoids were huge. He said he will be a different kid.

Alex has been a snorer since birth and very stuffy/nasally when he speaks. Plus, we're pretty sure he has/had sleep apnea. Hopefully this surgery will take care of all that and he will 'breathe easier'.

He came out of surgery kinda rough and wanted Mommy, but calmed down eventually. He's eaten a ton of Popsicles already and is desperate for a chicken nugget.

He's sleeping as I'm typing this and I can't even hear him breathe. Before, he sounded like a 40 year old man snoring soooo loud.

So far, so good. I took some picts and video and hope to upload those later. Stay tuned. . .

Friday, January 8, 2010

suitable for all those who visit here

Ok, so got a little flack for the recent Youtube video I posted not being so acceptable. I took it down (even though it was funny as h**l).

However I did find something that I think everyone can enjoy. You might remember it circulating in an e-mail before, but I stumbled upon it again.

You have to admit, that is pretty darn amazing.

I hope to post some of my own videos on here once I can buy a new sd card and the kids don't chew on it! Then learn how to upload it and stuff 'cause I'm soooooo in the know with computers!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

right now

Gotta take a moment and jot down a few things the boys are doing right now.

Benny is:

*sitting up on his own. Takes a few diggers, but doing well.

*pushing up on his hands, but not interested in crawling yet.

*trying all foods. Loves toast, crackers (reg. and graham) and all baby food.

*needing prunes every day to keep him regular! Hey, it's a cheap fix!

*Says da da and laughs when you squeeze his butt!


*ALWAYS says I love you too after I tell him I love him first. I LOVE THAT!

*is big into fibbing. Will take gum and chew it, but lie to you when you ask if he has some.

*loves gum and salt water taffy (and pretty much any food of any kind!)

*will randomly come up to me and say, "I like you, Mom." LOVE THAT TOO!

*is my cuddler. Ben snuggles by default (nurses) but Alex wants to.

*is totally potty trained. A W E S O M E! No one over 40 lbs should still poop their pants.


*is my little man. Oh, the things he does or thinks he has to do around here!

*loves, loves, LOVES to help with chores. Gets very mad if he can't help.

*does an excellent job shoveling the driveway.

*is getting a lot of freckles. Can't wait till summer!

*handles everything in the bathroom all by himself now. Another AWESOME!

*is my big helper and loves helping me with Benny. He even holds him and carries him around.

That's all I can think of right now. I need to do these often, or I forget the little things and I really want to remember. It's been really good around here lately and it's pretty refreshing. Seeing how fun the boys can be is so great. That's why we had them in the first place. That and to get us the remote when it's out of reach!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

how is this not funny?

**Edited version** (sigh)

I wish I had a video camera with me at all times to capture my boys and their antics. A couple of note-worthy events this evening... Jack and Alex in the bath with their faces covered in soap shaving cream laughing so hard. It was one of those moments that makes all the shitty ones disappear.

After the bath, Alex said, "I'm going to check my cabities" (cavities, but with the 'b' because he is so nasally) and stuck his two pointer fingers up both nostrils to his knuckles. He pulls them out and looks at them and does his Alex shrug. He's a little strange, that one!

another month has gone by...

...and haven't blogged. Oh well. :)

Trying a new look and photo with the blog. We'll see if it works. I am not a whiz on the 'puter so not sure how to get it to look exactly how I want. This is OK for now.

We all had a great Christmas. We did Christmas with Nana and Papa Dave a week before, then Christmas eve with Chad's mom and family, Christmas day with just us here in the morning then at my dad's that afternoon. Lots of presents and good food. I swear I've gained 40 lbs! Good thing I got some gift cards so I can go buy new pants.

The boys are doing well. Alex is are accident/injury prone boy so a few trips to the clinic/ER but he's good now! I'll post a little more on him in the next week or so.

Jack went to his first movie in the theatre with his Uncle Dave and cousin Casey. We had a small mis-communication which ended in Jack getting a Pepsi to drink. He's four. PEPSI. Oh well. The highlight from the whole experience was the Pepsi, not the movie. He came home and shoveled almost the whole driveway!

Ben is growing like a weed. I did look in his brother's baby books and he is smaller then they were at this age. Benny is 18 lbs. 5 oz (roughly) and the other two were that weight at 6 months. Ben is 8 months. Maybe he knows he's the last one, so he's staying smaller for me! He says da da and is sitting up on his own. No crawling yet, but that's OK. One less thing for me to worry about at the moment. He's also a really good eater and is learning to use a sippy cup at meal time. He is just too cute and I smother him in kisses every day!

Jack is loving school. He gets mad when it's Saturday. He goes out with Chad almost every day to do chores. That boy is in heaven out here. He is such a good helper.

Chad is busier than ever. He's gone from four 12-hour days and two off to five 12-hour days and two off. Plus, you know, farming here and his other farming job for the neighbor. I think he's a tall guy with brown hair and blue eyes, handsome fella. From what I remember ;)

They look just like him. . . .

The boys found these hats with ear flaps that must have been Gary's. They won't fit Chad so they have claimed them and when Alex put his on, all I could think of is what Nancy has called him from the start...Little Gary! Couldn't see it before, but with that hat, I sure see it now!