Friday, January 4, 2008

every day

Just another day here in the Hoyum house. Everyone is feeling much better now. I hope that's it for 2008. These are a couple of shots of the boys tonight being pretty darn cute.

These boys are pretty darn silly. Alex has a facination for sour foods such as pickles (and the juice) and lemon juice. So he decided he had to have some and so did his brother and these are the faces they made:

Jack had a few drops and was over it. Alex kept wanting more. He's a wierd one.

I have started a little project for the year. I 'borrowed' the idea from my cousin who's blog I frequent and the blogs of others. I will be taking a photo a day for a year. Well, I'll be taking more than one, I will post one a day for the whole year. One photo that sums up the day or something special that happened. It's kind of exciting in the beginning, but as with everything else I do, once the novelty wears off, it'll be harder to keep it up. But I'm gonna try!!

It would be nice to scrap these and to start scrapping in the first place, but I don't know where to begin. I get so overwhelmed with it all and I just say forget it. Maybe some day when I have more time and money to spend on it, but for now I'll just be bloggin'.

I'm going to try to get my 365 album up on the web, just can't seem to get it to work just now. Will let you know when it's up and running.

Oh, and something else... Jack likes to go through my drawer in the kitchen that has all the odd utinsels in it like turkey baster, apple correr, pizza cutter, ect. Tonight he found the egg slicer thing and wanted to play with it. Later while I was getting Alex ready for bed, Jack was sitting on the floor strumming the slicer singing 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star'. I used to do the same thing when I was a kid. Not the 'Twinkle, Twinkle' part but playing the egg slicer. Too funny! Don't know if every kid does that, or just us. That took me back :)

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