Monday, January 7, 2008

what 'ya call a guy with no arms, no legs hanging on the wall?

I thought it would be fun for the boys to do some art today and not the typical crayons and coloring book, so we got out the glue, scissors, paint, ect. and Jack went to town. He had so much fun that when it was time for lunch he cried so hard he didn't want to stop.

See if you can spot the similarities in these pictures:

You guessed it--the I-can't-concentrate-unless-I-have-my-tongue-sticking-out-phase. I don't know if you can really call it a phase, since I find myself still doing it from time to time:) It's pretty cute! Art is fun, but messy. It'd be nice if we had a certain spot for it so if they made a mess, it wouldn't be a big deal.

I tried to give Alex some paper and these fun crayons that his Aunt and Uncle gave him, but all he wanted to do was rip the paper off his tray and eat the crayon. To be fair, he was in his high chair! That boy will totally eat anything that isn't nailed down! Even then, he might gnaw on it a little :)
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