Wednesday, January 2, 2008

sick part 2

OK, so both my kids got sick Sunday. That was fun. It wasn't that bad 'cause each kid only got sick once. Weird, but I'll take it. The mystery puke in the hallway we later found out came from the dog, who later puked twice more outside. He is the smartest dog on the planet. Who's dog actually goes outside to puke(except for the one in the hallway)?!?

Anyway, I was so excited because Jack actually made it to the bathroom when he got sick! That means I didn't have to spent the night cleaning Tator Tot casserole and strawberry cough drop out of my carpet!!! How great for me?!?

However, this AM Chad got sick, too. He's doing better. Mostly achy muscles and a little dizzy now. Only if I can dodge this bug then we'll be set.

Kind of a crappy start to the New Year. Hope it's not a glimpse of things to come.

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