Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Boy, staying on top of this blogging thing is harder than I thought. It doesn't help when we have a million and one things going on right now. Lets see, Alex and I had our first Parent-Tot swim class Tues. It went great! He is a little fish out of water. I was nervous because the weekend before we took him to the pool and he hated it, but the pool at the hospital is like taking a bath. He floated around, kicked his legs, sat on the side and kicked, he even 'jumped' in. He would lean forward and kinda fall in the pool. He had a great time. Angie (the instructor) even had him learning how to climb out on the ladder! Here's a few shots of him tonight:

Jack is still not doing great at his swimming lessons. He doesn't listen or participate--it's like if your going to act that way, I won't even bother with all the hassle of getting you there! He does have fun, though. He needs some socialization, STAT!! I think I'm going to take him to a play group in Westby at the school on Friday. Two of the girls in his swim class will be there, so hopefully it'll be fun.

My project 365 is becoming harder and harder each day. I need to be more disciplined about taking my pictures and taking different pictures. I need to start making it a habit of taking my camera everywhere I go.

My word of the day is becoming lost as well. I need a nice reminder, like a necklace or something that will help me grasp it every day. I could have really used it this morning. Jack gets up way before the rest of us and has gotten into so much trouble, we have to hide practically everything. This morning, he couldn't find anything else to get into, so he got out an entire container of cereal and dumped it all over the couch and peed in the corner. What!?!?! What posesses him to do something like that? Chad said, "I guess one of us has to get up when he gets up." Yea. Since he doesn't get home 'till 3-3:30 in the morning, I guess that one of us is going to be me. Joy. I'm going to give him one more final chance tomorrow morning. Wish us luck.
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