Sunday, January 13, 2008

swim class

Chad and I both took Jack to swim class Friday, so I was able to get a few (not real great) shots. He's the little guy in the orange and blue striped trunks. Here, they're practicing their 'ice cream scoops'...

and here...
Here, our little guy is being anti-social and not listening (big surprise). He didn't want to jump in with the others, so he sat on the stairs and splashed the other kids when they got out. Typical.
This was before it started. Alex wanted to go in, too!
Jack's kind of struggling to sit still and listen. The teacher said I can still bring him, even though on Friday he went kicking and screaming. Once he gets in, he's fine. I don't know.

We took both the boys to family swim on Sat. night. Jack had a blast "swimming" around. He even jumped in a few times. Alex screamed for the first 30 minutes, mainly because he was cold, but after a while he warmed up a little and he "jumped" in to me and floated around in his little floater thing. I hope Alex doesn't freak out on Tues. at Parent-Tot. It is a lot warmer in the pool at the hospital. We went out to eat after swimming and to DQ for a little ice cream. It was a nice night with the family.
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