Friday, January 25, 2008

not really news

Now that I'm sort of documenting our lives around here (the blog and project 365) I'm coming to the sad realization that we are kinda boring! Not much varies in our day-to-day lives. That kinda sucks! It's also winter and frickin BELOW ZERO FOR DAYS!!!! No one can stand to be outside long enough to get the mail, let alone play. It's looking like a warm up for the weekend, then plummeting back into the teens and single digits next week. Groovy.

Alex had another swim class on Tues. and did awesome! No one else was there, so we got 'private lessons'. It was fun and he has sooo much fun. I wish I could get some pictures, but there's no way I can handle that stress! He makes a bee line for the door to the pool before we even get jackets off! At least he's excited.

Jack helped his daddy clean the living room while I was getting ready today, and let me tell you I can't even tell you the last time I've felt that kind of joy! If you've seen our living room lately, you'd understand my almost tears of joy. If you don't know what it looks like, imagine Toys R Us exploded and that is what our living room looks like. Actually, it looks like a tiny implement dealership exploded with tractors, round balers, manure spreaders, combines, yada yada yada...

Going to go to my kickboxing class again tonight. I'm getting kinda bummed-there's only 2 classes (I think) left. I'll have to look for something else to do 'cause I want to keep this momentum going. I've actually lost 31/2 lbs and my pants are fitting looser so that's great! I'm a teeny bit proud of myself! My goal is to lose my baby pooch, so I got a ways to go yet.

Here's to a happy, healthy, and a I-have-to-buy-all-new-clothes-'cause-my-old-ones-don't-fit New Year!

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