Friday, February 29, 2008


So we went to the new pediatrician yesterday and it went pretty good. It was a change, and I'm not so much for change but it was fine. They do have a sick kid and well kid waiting rooms seperate which is nice so you don't have to mingle. But you walk through the sick kids to register and then get to the well kid area. Not set up so good, but it did have a really cool mat/climber thing that the boys seemed to love playing on.

Jack's stats:

38.5" tall (I guess it's not long anymore!)
37# 6.4 oz --I thought he was bigger than that, but that's still big!
They didn't measure his head circumference, but his BMI is 17.773. They took his blood pressure with the tinyest little cuff! He did pretty good, since the whole day before he said he was NOT having a check-up.

Alex's stats:

32.95" long
28# 6.78 oz--now, I really thought he'd weigh more; more like 30#, but I guess not
19.57" head circumference--huge!

He's off the charts with this head (no big suprise) and his height and weight put him close to the 100th percentile. Not exactly sure since they didn't write that down ( something their other clinic did that I really liked). Next time I'll have to pay better attention.

Anyway, we have two healthy, happy boys! I just hope we stay that way. I said to Chad as we were leaving and walked by a famliy wearing masks that we were so getting sick by just visiting this place!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

real quick

Don't have much time to post but I'll make it quick. I watched Casey and Ryan on Mon.--reg. babysitter not available. Found out later that Casey has ear infection and Ryan has RSV. No one knew it, so what can you do! My kids are fine yet, so that's good

Both kids went to Parent-Tot on Tues. Jack did AWESOME!!!!! He jumped in and dunked his head just like old times. Very cool.

Today we took Jack to Child Development Days at the elementary school. Kinda like a pre-pre school thing. We'll have to take him back next year before pre-K, but it was nice to see where he is. Didn't get a whole lot of feedback, but he got his ears and eyes checked, weighed and measured and observed. We got a lot of information of what's going on. Got a lot of info on the Head Start program. Sounds like just what we're looking for. We don't qualify because we make too much money, but she said they take 10% of enrollment of family's who 'make too much money' so to speak. It's four days a week, 8-12. There's a bus that picks them up and they get breakfast and lunch. I really hope this is something we can make work, because Jack really needs the socialization.

Tomorrow is the boys' doctors appts. at the new pediatrician. We will see how that goes.

My time is up and I am requested to get some milk so more later!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

nighttime fun

It seems I take most of my pictures at night when I have the most time so here are a few from the past few nights...

Jack and Alex were actually building together! Alex handed Jack the blocks and Jack made the tower. It was sooo cute to see them working together. Jack kept saying thank you Alex would hand him a block. Moments like that make it all worth it.
Here is our #1 son ready for bed. His boots, one of his and one of my gloves, and a stocking hat. Too silly! Too bad he had just been out to the farm with those boots and I had just vacuumed. Oh well, thats why I get paid the big bucks, right?
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Thursday, February 21, 2008


Haven't blogged for a while. We've been semi-busy here the past few days. Jack was ill but now is better except for one throw-up this morning. I have no idea what's going on with that kid. We've linked the last two pukes with having strawberry pop tarts for breakfast. Don't know if that has anything to do with it, but he is totally fine now so who knows. We go to see the Dr. next week, so we'll ask then.

The four of us joined my grandma and Dad and Nancy for dinner on Saturday for our collective birthdays. That was nice. It's nice to go out and someone else cooks and cleans up for a change! Came home, made a fire in the basement and played a little wii. Sunday we stayed inside and braced ourselves for yet another snow storm, but it wasn't actually as bad as they said. We did some grocery shopping that evening with the kids and it wasn't that bad.

Monday was my (uneventfull) birthday. The big/not so big 2-7. I'm not worried yet. When 29 rolls around, I might start having panic attacts! Chad spent the day moving snow and working; I spent the day with my boys and cleaning the house. My great aunt passed away, so the boys and I went to her visitation.

My dad watched the boys for us on Tuesday so Chad and I could go to La Crosse out for dinner. We went to Edwardo's. I absoultly love that place. It's not super-fancy, but it's Italian, so therefore AWESOME! We stopped and bought a new vacuum so all in all a pretty good day!

Yesterday I tried out our new vacuum and I like it! It actually picks up the dog hair. What a concept! Oh, and we took the boys to swim class on Tues. Jack is doing so good. It's not structured, so I think that helps. Hopefully he can regain his courage and get back into swimming lessons if the pool doesn't close!

I'll try to post some picts later. Haven't taken many candids lately--should do that tonight.

Friday, February 15, 2008

sick again

Jack is sick again. This sucks. I awoke this morning to the glorious sound of puking in the toilet. I say glorious because to have a kid that knows to puke in the toilet is AWESOME! It sucks that he's sick though. He told me after he was done being sick that he pooped in the chair in the livingroom. Not so awesome. Chad had to leave early this morining, so it was just me left to keep two toddlers out of the living room while I put together our new carpet cleaner (not exactly how I pictured it's maiden voage) and squeegie poop out of the chair. Then he puked again. AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I need a day off.

He took a good nap and says he feels better this afternoon. I sure hope so because this passing germs back and forth is getting old. I cleaned the whole house today so hopefully that took care of the remaining bugs but I guess we will see. Knock on wood Alex isn't sick (today, anyway) so lets cross our fingers it stays that way.

Well, my five minute "break" is over so better get back to work. When I was pregnant, it wasn't until half way through that it actually dawned on me that kids are permanant, all the time, and never go away. I'm not stupid, I knew that, but it hit me then. I remember Chad saying, "You should of thought about that before!" as he patted my belly. They are great. I love them more than the world, but a day off would be nice. A day like today just makes me more aware of that.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

just tryin' this

A cute little picture from this morning when Alex was just feelin' a little cuddle. At this age, you have to take 'em when you can get 'em!

happy v-day!

What a day it has been. Nothing major or even that exciting, but a day non the less. My boys (all three of them) gave me a computer program for Valentines/Birthday. That was very sweet. No card, flowers, or even wrapping paper, but still sweet. To be fair, I told him not to waist money on a card or candy, so I was expecting that. He's just lucky WalMart is open 24 hrs or he would have been screwed. Who else is open 3:30 in the morning the day of Valentines?

We got pounded with snow today. I'd say about half a foot or more. And of course the snowblower decides to take a dump today. As I sit here and type, my dad is here to our rescue blowing out our driveway. Chad hates it when anyone helps him, but he doesn't know this yet so hee hee! Dad was coming over anyway to drop off a DQ cake. Yummy.

Alex is getting another tooth; a molar, so he hasn't been in the best of moods lately. He seems the worst right when he wakes up, so I have no idea what that is all about.

We had heart-shaped pancakes for breakfast this morning which was fun. Jack seemed to enjoy that, although I don't know why I bothered because they got cut up in tiny pieces anyway. Oh well.

Jack has been same old-same old. We got the ladder down for his bunk bed so he's been climbing up and down that for the past couple of days. YES WE TOLD HIM TO BE CAREFUL. YES, HE PROBABLY WILL FALL ONE DAY. THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONCERN! He's been told careful, slow, two hands on the ladder so many times, he's probably going to say screw you and jump of the top just to spite us!

Hope everyone has a super special V-Day! I will be enjoying it alone with my two sons having leftovers and vacuuming the floor. Maybe a Shrek movie as well. Ahh, romance!

Sunday, February 10, 2008


Alex is feeling much better today. We did have some 'indigestion' at breakfast, but I think we're in the clear. Thanks to my mother, I'm now a little worried to let him go to sleep for fear he might end up like some drunken 21 year old after a binge aspirating on his vomit. We will just have to check in on him like he's our first child!

Anyway, I snapped some pictures yesterday of the little man and out of 80-some pictures, almost half were with him and his tongue sticking out!

In order for the brain to function, the tongue must be out! Jack was doing that the other day and Chad said, "Oh look, he sticks his tongue out just like you." Guilty.

P.S. I sooooo love my camera. You can take 80-100 pictures like nothing and not even worry! Review them and keep the 5 that turned out, junk the rest, and go take another 100 (or 800 with my CF card) pictures! AWESOME!!!
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Saturday, February 9, 2008

same old saturday

Well, today seems to be the same ol' Saturday that we've always had around here except for my morning discovery of a crib full of puke. So gross. Alex must have gotten sick sometime in the night and there was 'sick' all over his bed, in his hair, jammies, blankets, and stuffed animals. I never heard him cry or anything. Poor little boy. He got a morning bath (of course, since they both got baths last night) and I got to disinfect the nursary. Great way to start the day. He seems fine now. He ate a good breakfast and lunch and is napping as I type this so hopefully it was a fluke thing and that will be it.

Jack and I went to his first play group at the elementary school in Westby. He had a good time and got to play with (next to) other kids his age which is the whole point of this. You may wonder, why Westby? Well, they do a play group every Friday and I'm not sure if Viroqua does one at all. I've heard it's the second and fourth Tues. but Tues. is Alex's swim class so that doesn't quite work for us. Westby is fine. I'ts only 7-10 minutes away.

I had my last kickboxing class with Rebekah yesterday. Her and her husband are moving, so that's a total bummer. She was an awesome instructor. We're lucky though and have found someone to take over the class so it will go on! Very exciting as I had just found this to do and actually like it and now it will continue! We will have to take a small break while he coaches high school golf, but by summer it will be game on.

Well, better make the most out of naptime. Happy weekend!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

do you hear that? nothing. exactly!

I'm finally enjoying a a moment of piece and quiet because the children are in bed. It's been a long day.

We took the boys up to La Crosse to get Jack's three year photos taken and let me tell you, now that I have my wonderful new super awesome camera, I really want to try taking these photos myself.

The lady that took the pictures was bad. We've had her before and she lived up to my expectations today. She actually changed batteries in her camera mid-shoot. Come on. Jack was not giving us anything today, so when he actually was sitting nice, she totally missed the shot. We also did not get any pictures of the boys together. This is the third time and still nothing. I know the kids behaving is half the battle, but when you have a 1 and 3 year old, you have to be on your toes! There is a computer program that I want to get so I can play around with the picts. and hopefully start taking all the family photos. I can't do much worse, right?

We went shopping while we were up there and found some great deals on clothes for the boys for next winter. I love finding a great deal! Our kids might be a season behind in their wordrobes, but if I can save some money and they don't care, I'm going for it! I'm sure it'll be soon enough they'll need the certain shoe, jean, coat, backpack, ect.

I wanted to get some goggles for Jack for in the pool and we found some today. He just had to wear them so this is him first being difficult:

And here, showing off--my kid wouldn't do something like that ;)
He's a crazy one, that Jack. I'm sure it's just the tip of the iceburg!
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Monday, February 4, 2008


Saw this on Youtube. Too funny!

Click if you think farts are funny.

Farts are always funny!

Oh, and P.S. If anyone knows how to post a link like if I wanted you to click on the word here, that would take you to the web page instead of http whatever, please let me know. I need to know how to use all this new fangled internet stuff!

gotta love this kid

Our brother-in-law joined us in a game of bowling on the wii and someone else wanted to join in.

Take a look:

He's got good form, don't ya think? He started doing this all by himself. It was sooooooo hilarious! Pretty darn cute!
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jack's big day

Here's just a few pictures from Jack's party.

Gotta love that cheeseball smile with him and his (home-made) cake. Seems to be what you get with him these days.

He's actually under the weather with some tummy issues and now a fever all day today. Hope we're on the home strech with this bug. Gosh, I can't wait until summer.
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Sunday, February 3, 2008

my baby is 3!

I can't believe it's been three years since I squeezed that watermellon that we call Jack into this world. Three years!!! What's so sad is I have such a hard time remebering when he was teeny-tiny which really bums me out :( Luckally, Chad has a mind like a steel trap and remindes me of little things he used to do. Gotta love that man!

We had Part part II yesterday at the house with family. It went really well and Jack had a great time. He was looking forward to it all week! He got really nice gifts (not a lot of toys which was great) and he finally got to eat his cake which took much restraint to leave alone 'till the party! I took picts. which I hope to post tomorrow.

Today on the actuall day of his birth, we abandoned him at G&G Hoyum and went
snowmobeling in Sparta. That was fun to go on the bike trail where you can fly! We had a good time and so did the boys spending some quality time with the Grandparents.

One quick Jack quote from today:
Alex fell down and hit his head on the floor and started crying. Jack came over to him and said, "It's OK Alex, your OK. Just rub some dirt on it."

We're starting to find out that our kid actually listens to what we say, and spits it back out! At least all it was was to rub some dirt on it! Too funny. That kid cracks me up!

Happy Third Birthday, my baby Jack. Now STOP growing, darn it!